Pink Rose with Baby's Breath
Surround yourself with the tender elegance of a bouquet featuring pink roses and baby's breath. This bouquet is like the first rays of the morning sun that gently warm the day - full of delicacy, freshness, and tranquility. The gentle pink roses in this composition are the embodiment of grace and femininity, their petals are like velvet touches that caress your soul.
Gypsophila, also known as "baby's breath," adds a delicate sparkle and lightness to the bouquet. This small yet prominent addition brings a sense of tenderness and gives the entire bouquet an airy appearance.
This bouquet is perfect for expressing your emotions, whether as an expression of love, gratitude, or simply the joy of the beauty of everyday life. Gift the "Charm of Rosy Dawn" and share the magic and beauty of simple, yet profound joys.
Composition of the bouquet in the image:
- Roses
- Baby's breath
- Bexgrass
Product detailed description
No product's description available
Additional parameters
Category: | Roses |
color: | pink |
? flower types: | rose, gypsofila |
? Season of the year: | year-round |
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