Pink meadow bouquet with delivery in Brno

This enchanting bouquet is the perfect combination of elegance and natural beauty, suitable for any occasion. It features a rich mix of purple clematis, pink carnations, and eustoma, creating a harmonious visual impression. The bouquet is enhanced with oxypetalum flowers and fresh eucalyptus leaves, bringing a pleasant fragrance and adding freshness to the arrangement. This beautiful arrangement is ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to delight a loved one.

1 635 Kč
Availability: Not available at the moment
Delivery offer
Code: 397
Pink meadow bouquet with delivery in Brno
overeno zakazniky heureka

Product detailed description

The appearance of the bouquet may vary slightly depending on the season and availability of flowers, but we guarantee that each piece will always be assembled with the utmost care and attention to match the described image and maintain the same value. Order now and let these flowers tell your story of love and appreciation.

  • 5ks clematis;
  • 5ks santina;
  • 5ks carnation;
  • 4ks eustoma;
  • 5ks oxypetalum;
  • 4ks eukalyptus;

Additional parameters

Category: Meadow Flower Collection
color: mix
? flower types: carnation, clematis, chrysanthemum, eustoma, eukalyptus, oxypetalum
? Season of the year: summer

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