Summer bouquet of purple carnation and salmon cluster rose
Radiance of Summer Suns: Bouquet Enlivened with salmon and Soft Purple color
We present to you our captivating bouquet, reflecting the brilliance of summer days in an irresistible combination of yellow and light purple hues. This exceptional composition includes a warm carnation, delicate rose, striking veronica, elegant chrysanthemum santini, refreshing lime, and enchanting eustoma. Together, they create a harmony that envelops you in the atmosphere of endless summer.
A bouquet that is not just a decoration but a direct connection with nature. Immerse yourself in the scents and colors reminiscent of sunny, scorching days and tranquil evenings. Each flower here tells its own story of beauty and vitality. ☀️
Product detailed description
We composed the bouquet in the picture according to the description, but occasionally, some flowers might not be available. In such cases, we substitute them with a suitable alternative that matches in color, price, and quality.
- 3x carnation
- 3x cluster rose
- 5x veronica
- 3x chrysanthemum santini
- 3x lime
- 3x eustoma
Additional parameters
Category: | Gift flowers |
color: | yellow, purple |
? flower types: | carnation, rose, chrysanthemum, eustoma, veronica, limonium |
? Season of the year: | summer |
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