Bouquet of red roses and Hypericum
This exquisite bouquet is a masterful blend of classic beauty and contemporary elegance, perfect for conveying deep emotions or as a gift for a special occasion. At the heart of the bouquet, the regal red roses stand as a symbol of passionate love and admiration, perfectly complemented by the delicate flowers of Hypericum that add texture and contrast. The vibrant red berries of Limonium and the subtle greenery of the hypericum berries bring a lively sense of freshness and vitality to the composition. Each bouquet is hand-tied and wrapped in stylish paper, accentuating its luxurious character. Whether you want to delight family, friends, or a particularly beloved person, this bouquet is sure to bring a smile to their face and leave a lasting impression.
Product detailed description
Composition of the bouquet in the image:
11 red roses, 5 stems of Hypericum, 4 stems of Limonium, 4 stems of Hypericum berries.
The delivered bouquet may slightly vary depending on the availability of cut flowers, but the price of the composition is always maintained!
Additional parameters
Category: | Roses |
color: | red |
? flower types: | hypericum, rose, limonium |
? Season of the year: | year-round |
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