Bouquet Pink-orange Cocktail

We introduce to you the bouquet "Pink Cocktail," reminiscent of a musical composition filled with harmony and delicate tones. This bouquet is a perfect symphony of colors and scents, composed of a rich palette of flowers that together create a superb visual and aromatic experience.

  • Chrysanthemums (2 pcs) - their golden hues bring warmth and comfort to the bouquet and symbolize longevity and happiness.
  • Spray Roses (2 pcs) - these flowers are like little suns, brightening every bouquet with their delicacy and elegance.
  • Wax (3 pcs) - the small flowers with a waxy surface add finesse and intricacy to the composition.
  • Eustoma (2 pcs) - also known as Lisianthus, these flowers are highly valued for their beauty and longevity.
  • Carnations (3 pcs) - traditional yet always stylish, they provide texture and variety to the bouquet.
  • Cymbidium - orchid (2 pcs) - with an exotic appearance and beautiful color tones, they add a sense of luxury to the bouquet.
  • Eucalyptus - not only does it add freshness but also enhances the longevity of other flowers.

Each bouquet is lovingly tied and represents a promise of joy and beauty. Whether sent as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or just for pleasure, "Pink Cocktail" is ready to shine in any setting and add a happy tone to everyday life.

The appearance of the bouquet may vary slightly depending on the season and availability of flowers, but we guarantee that each piece will always be assembled with the utmost care and attention to match the described image and maintain the same value. Order now and let these flowers narrate your story of love and appreciation.

1 339 Kč
Availability: for delivery in 2 hours at the earliest
Delivery offer
Code: 502
Bouquet Pink-orange Cocktail
overeno zakazniky heureka

Product detailed description

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Additional parameters

Category: Gift flowers
color: pink
? flower types: carnation, rose, waxflower, chrysanthemum, eustoma, eukalyptus
? Season of the year: spring, year-round

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